Hike With Kurt – Waiver and Release of Liability

Organizer: Kurt Von Weisenstein (aka “Hike With Kurt”)

1. Assumption of Risk

I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in this hiking event organized by Kurt Von Weisenstein (aka “Hike With Kurt”). I understand that hiking involves inherent risks including, but not limited to, uneven terrain, altitude effects, weather changes, wildlife encounters, and the possibility of injury, illness, emotional distress, property damage, and even death. I accept and assume all risks, whether or not they are described above.

2. Release of Liability

In consideration of being permitted to participate in this hiking event, I agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless Kurt Von Weisenstein (aka “Hike With Kurt”), and any of his agents, volunteers, or affiliates (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, injury, or damage I may suffer, including without limitation, personal injury or property damage, whether caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise.

3. Indemnification

I further agree to indemnify and defend the Released Parties against all claims, damages, costs, or other expenses, including attorneys’ fees, that arise from my negligence or intentional act(s) during my participation in this event.

4. Health and Fitness

I certify that I am in good physical health and have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in this activity. I understand and acknowledge that it is my sole responsibility to determine whether I am sufficiently fit and healthy enough to participate, and I will consult a licensed physician if I have any doubts.

5. No Insurance

I understand that the Released Parties do not provide any form of medical, health, disability, or life insurance for me. I am solely responsible for obtaining my own insurance coverage.

6. Emergency Medical Treatment

In the event of an accident or emergency, I authorize Kurt Von Weisenstein (aka “Hike With Kurt”) and any persons acting on his behalf to seek necessary medical treatment for me. I agree to be financially responsible for any costs of such treatment.

7. Governing Law

This Waiver and Release of Liability shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the state in which the hike takes place, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

8. Severability

If any portion of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, all other parts shall remain in full force and effect.

9. Acknowledgment

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver and Release of Liability, fully understand its terms, and agree to be bound by it. I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue the Released Parties, and I sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.